Alzheimer’s Disease Lawyer

Alzheimer’s Disease Lawyer

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s Disease is by far the most prevalent form of dementia. In fact, its prevalence has skyrocketed to the number six most common cause of death and continues to climb. Alzheimer’s Association (

Alzheimer’s Disease results from the death of brain tissue.  “[It] causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.  Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.” Alzheimer’s Association.

Needless to say, Alzheimer’s can present a long, difficult journey for those afflicted with it and for their loved ones—four to eight years after diagnosis, on average. Worse yet is that they may not realize or accept it until it is in the advanced stages.  Unfortunately, many fail to plan until it is too late.

How can we help? 

We understand many of the needs and concerns of those afflicted with the Alzheimer’s disease and those who care for them, such as:

How do I advocate for my loved one?  He needs my help to coordinate all of his needs and pay his bills. His doctor and the bank won’t talk to me!

I am overwhelmed with balancing my work life, family life, and caring for my aging parent(s).

How do I balance my loved one’s safety and independence?  She thinks she is fine, but she cannot be left alone—she easily gets lost or confused. She wanders and does not know night versus day.  Her safety and dignity are of utmost importance to me.

I am concerned that someone will take advantage of them.

I don’t have anyone who can help me.

The hospital says that it is not safe for mom to go home. What do we do now?

How will I afford my care?  Will Medicare cover it?

How do I protect my home from the State?

How do I preserve my hard-earned savings from the high cost of long term care, in order to leave a legacy for my spouse and loved ones?

We Look Forward to Meeting With You!